As massage therapists, we’re always looking for natural ways to heal.
It’s just part of what we do. We often say no to prescription drugs and expensive surgeries in exchange for organic remedies, mind/body balance, and of course a good massage.
Sure, there are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches. But no matter what side of the hemp plant you’re on, there’s very little room to dispute the benefits of CBD.
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of over 100 chemical compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis or marijuana plant.
But don’t get spooked. Most CBD sold on the market today does not contain the psychoactive component of marijuana. What it does contain, however, is a full litany of benefits including:
- Great pain relief
- Anxiety reduction
- Possible alleviation of cancer-related symptoms
- And many more.
Here’s a great article that explains CBD’s benefits in more detail.
Until next time, we hope you explore all of your options when it comes to your wellness regimen! Namaste.